neděle 10. února 2013

Early and Later Hebrew

This Army is 1:72 mix of possible variants for both Early and Later Hebrews.

I/27 Early Hebrew Army: 1 x General (Ax), 2 x Simeonites or Ephraimites (Wb), 5 x other tribesmen (Ax), 1 x Benjaminites (Ps or Bw), 3 x other skirmnishers (Ps)

I/34a Later Hebrew Army 1000-969 BC: 1 x General (LCh), 7 x spearmen(Ax), 1 x spearmen (Ax or Sp), 3 x archers or slingers (Ps)

2x Warband - Ephraim or Simeon 
3x Psiloi and 1x Benjamin Bows 

4x Spears from post-Davidic kingdom.

1x Light Charioteers - Hittites mercenaries

6x Auxilia - other tribes. General unit in the front: Samson, Deborah and David.

Hebrew wife awaiting return of her victorious man. 

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