sobota 23. února 2013

Assyria vs. Edom

I played this game with my 10years old friend Petr, he was Edom (Early Bedouin) attacking.
I defended so we diced terrain Arable: 2x ploughs, one road and one gentle hill. So no bad going which light-foot bedouins could take advantage of.

Assyrians took 2xSpears and 2xAuxilia on the road. Heavy Chariots on left wing, light horses on right. Psiloi in the middle. Edomites put Camels on their right wing and in the centre and the left was mishmash of auxilia and psiloi.

First PIP score was one! That meant that it rained, so ploughs became rough, which were very bad news for my army.

Chariots advanced to centre, while infantry advanced by the road. 

Armies met quite soon. Infantry rolled up their line and met camels. I was throwing good PIPs compared to Edom, so he was no well prepared for my fast advance.

As you can see, I didn't manage my chariots and light horse well. LH just stood whole battle on the spot - orders didn't arrived to them.  

What Petr didn't throwed on PIPs he throwed for combat. His soldiers were hard to break. He started to win on my right wing.   My heavy chariots were just sitting useless. 

Also his center psiloi arrived to cut down my solo auxilia.

 I managed (finally) my chariot to prepare to plow his light troops.

It is 1-1 my aux and his psiloi down.

In this round I could lose, but my soldiers bravery was luckily higher than my bad tactics.

Chariots arrived, destroyed 2 psiloi and my auxilia doubled other psiloi. On other side, Petrs auxilia took mine psiloi. So it ended 4-2 for Assyria.
I firstly thought, that I will destroy Edomites at once with Heavy Chariots in good going vs. auxilia and psiloi. But It rained which gave me less maneuverability.
I thing that I should place my chariots in the first line.
I totally dismanaged my hight horses.
Ten years old Petr can play DBA very well in little time. Thats good news for DBA :)

sobota 16. února 2013

Assyrian invasion [A]: Philistia vs. Assyria

Philistians proved their boldness and attacked Assyrian invader straight forward. Battle was fought near Damascus.

Heavy guys Philistines: 7xBd(gen),  2xAx, 2xPs, 1x LCh. 
Assyrian killing machine: 3xHCh(Gen), 2xLh 2xSp, 2xAx, 3xPs

There was a river in the middle, two brown plouhs, steep hill on assyrian left. Each army expected support of their allies. Philisines Edomites and Assyrian Izraelites. Izraelites arrived earlier, but Edom was far too late to make a difference in battle.
Philistines psiloi sprinted toward assyrian main body.  
It is a long way to meet Assyrians for those guys. They will not  be engaged in combat much.
Situations after a few rounds. Philistia right wing is weak. Left is moving slowly.

Because those psiloi will block their progress.

Heavy chariots and friendly Israel unit in background. Light horses are heating up.

In a meanwhile assyrian Light horses robed Philistian camp. It was super quick ride.

They ware caught by. But they did defend bravely. 

Finally big guys are engaged.

First HChariot destroyed. 

H chariot destroys Philistian Ax. It is 3-1 for Assyrians. Ph. Psiloi are going to support right wing.

Edom bedouins arrived near enemy, but they will not have a chance to change anything.

Brave assyrian psiloi resisting blades.

Izrael L chariot in action.

Destroys psiloi and battle is won 4-1 for Assyria.

Conclusion: Blades needed to be involved in battle sooner. If enemy has a Light horses, your camp should be well protected. Psiloi can slower heavy infantry well. Watch out your light troops in good going against H chariots.  

neděle 10. února 2013


I/45 Neo-Assyrian imperial army:1 x General (HCh), 3 x charioteers (HCh), 2 x cavalry (Cv), 2 x kisir sharruti (Ax), 2 x tribal levies with bow, sling or javelin (Ps), 2 x (guard infantry (Ax) or armoured slingers (Ps) or levies (Hd))

This is not exactly army form the list, but I made some mixture of old DBA list and new one.

 3 x tribal levies with bow, sling or javelin (Ps)
2 x kisir sharruti (Auxilia)

2x Spears

2x Light horse

3x Heavy chariots. Actually left and right are Mitanni Maryanu chariots. 

Camp with aggressive welcomer. 


I/29a Early Philistine Army 1166-1100 BC: 1 x General (in chariot (LCh) or on foot (Bd)), 1 x charioteers (LCh), 6 x swordsmen (Bd), 2 x javelinmen (Ax), 2 x slingers or archers (Ps)

2x Psiloi

2x Auxilia

6x Blades and 1x General Blade

1x Hititte charioteers mercenary 

Hebrew torture in a camp

Early Bedouin

I/ 6b Midianite, Amalakite or early Arab Army 1500-312 BC: 1 x General (Cm), 4 x javelinmen (Ax), 4 x Camelry (Cm), 1 x archers (Ps or Bw), 2 x slingers(Ps)

As you can see, I don't have enough Camel riders yet, so I made more Psiloi instead of them.

Whole army

6x Psiloi 

2x Camel riders

4x Auxilia

Bedouin camp

Early and Later Hebrew

This Army is 1:72 mix of possible variants for both Early and Later Hebrews.

I/27 Early Hebrew Army: 1 x General (Ax), 2 x Simeonites or Ephraimites (Wb), 5 x other tribesmen (Ax), 1 x Benjaminites (Ps or Bw), 3 x other skirmnishers (Ps)

I/34a Later Hebrew Army 1000-969 BC: 1 x General (LCh), 7 x spearmen(Ax), 1 x spearmen (Ax or Sp), 3 x archers or slingers (Ps)

2x Warband - Ephraim or Simeon 
3x Psiloi and 1x Benjamin Bows 

4x Spears from post-Davidic kingdom.

1x Light Charioteers - Hittites mercenaries

6x Auxilia - other tribes. General unit in the front: Samson, Deborah and David.

Hebrew wife awaiting return of her victorious man.